
The Presbyterian and Reformed Church of South Africa

We exist to grow and promote a confessionally Reformed understanding of the Christian faith through the planting, nurturing, and establishment of healthy presbyterian churches, presbyteries, and associated institutions within the South African region.

As we look out at our needy country we long to be a denomination that is 1) winsomely orthodox, 2) intentionally missional, and 3) reflectively historical.

For a detailed explanation of these three terms see our "PARCSA – Who We Are” Statement from October 2021.

Our Theology

We believe that the supreme authority in all matters of faith and life are the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments which we believe are the inspired and inerrant Word of God. We are committed to the system of doctrine contained in the Westminster Standards (The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms) believing them to be an accurate restatement of the theology of the Bible.

We believe that gospel is the great message about what God has graciously done in history through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s the grand story that gives context to, and makes sense of, every other story we find ourselves in. Through simple trust in Christ’s work on our behalf we are united to him, forgiven of sin, declared to be in a right standing before our Holy God, and adopted into his family as his beloved children. It is this same gospel, applied by the power of the Holy Spirit, that enables us to pursue lives of holiness in obedience to God’s Word.


Grace Presbyterian

Barrow St, Monte Vista
Cape Town


Union Chapel

Kloof St
Cape Town


Hope City Presbyterian

Wesley Street, Observatory
Cape Town


Covenant Waterfall

Valley Drive, Waterfall


Renewal Fellowship

Braynt Road, Edenvale


Calvary Presbyterian

58 Braselton Road, Sunningdale
Cape Town


Upcoming Church Plants

Sikhona Covenant Presbyterian

Rondebosch, Cape Town


Oak Valley Presbyterian



Hope Valley Presbyterian

Fish Hoek,
Cape Town

Mhlengi City Church



Contact Us

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to find out more about our work or potential partnerships.

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